Nō Studios Artist Grant – Music Recipients

Kerr Consulting • June 25, 2021
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Nō Studios Artist Grant – Music Recipients

MILWAUKEE, Wis – June 22, 2021 – Today, Nō Studios founder John Ridley announced that the first round of funding has been awarded from its recently established Nō Studios Artist Grant Program. The program, entirely self-funded by the Nō Studios collaborative, has pledged to give up to $100,000 annually to support Wisconsin artists, especially those in historically underserved populations, to help them realize the completion of their artistic endeavors. 

The first round of recipients are six Wisconsin musicians who will receive a total of $25,000, including: KoBe, Browns Crew, Sypher Lady X, BriJon, WebsterX and Cam Will. 

Future awards will be given quarterly to Wisconsin-based creatives working in a range of disciplines including, but not limited to, visual arts, photography, music, film, dance, fashion, poetry, creative writing and performance. The program is committed to distributing up to $25,000 quarterly to qualifying artists with special consideration given to those identifying as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, female or female identifying, disabled and/or veterans. Individual recipients are eligible to receive grants up to $10,000 each.

“It’s very exciting for us at Nō Studios to celebrate and support six Wisconsin based musicians who are not only talented but using their voices to uplift their communities,” said Nō Studios founder John Ridley. “Our hope is that these grants empower these individuals to take their artistic expression to the next level. I look forward to seeing what they create and how they continue their work as change-agents.”

See Artist Profiles HERE!

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