Eric Collins-Dyke

Eric Collins-Dyke is the Homeless Outreach Services Manager for the Milwaukee County Housing Division. He oversees the Division’s homeless outreach efforts, Housing First initiative, Eviction Prevention Program, and HMO Housing Navigation pilots. Collins-Dyke has been with Milwaukee County for six years and prior to that was with the Guest House of Milwaukee. His recent work has focused on local policy changes to increase the use of Housing First principles in relation to homelessness throughout Milwaukee County. Collins-Dyke leads the Milwaukee County Outreach Collaborative, 
which focuses on decriminalizing homelessness, street outreach coordination, housing justice, and implementing best practices within the local street outreach service provision paradigm. Collins-Dyke holds a BA in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Loyola University-Chicago.
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