BACKSTAGE with Executive Director Darrien Michele Gipson

Brea Graber • June 22, 2020

Discover a bit about our Nō Backstage guest, Darrien Michele Gipson!

1. How do you describe yourself as an artist?
I am a supporter of the arts. 

2. What's the best part of your job?
I love that I spend my days helping people realize their dreams. As a development executive, I rarely got to say YES to people. Now, I say Yes 95% of the time. And I meet so many amazing, inspiring filmmakers and content creators. My job is to find ways to make this industry better and I take that very seriously.

3. What's the best advice that you can give to someone who is exploring your career?
Be passionate about what you do. I travel over 80 days a year, a speak on panels, I talk with filmmakers. All of that can take a toll on your life, your body and your family. But I cannot imagine working in any other industry; I love it, even when I hate it. If you don't feel that way about THIS industry, you should save yourself the heartache and get out now.

4. What does socializing with purpose mean to you?
I feel like all I do is socialize with a purpose. Luckily, my purpose is just to let people know that I'm there to help them. I am not selling anything, my services and that of my company are FREE. So when I tell someone to call me, it means something; it means I think I can make their lives easier. But, it's not all work. I give some epic Film Festival parties! And I just like hanging with creators - they are my people.

Join us for a conversation with Darrien Michele Gipson
virtually on Wednesday, July 8th at 4pm 

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